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How do I add routing to a SAFE app with separate model for every page?

Written for SAFE template version 4.2.0

If your application has multiple separate components, there is no need to have one big, complex model that manages all the state for all components. In this recipe we separate the information of the todo list out of the main Model, and give the todo list application its own route. We also add a "Page not found" page.

1. Adding the Feliz router

Install Feliz.Router in the client project

dotnet paket add Feliz.Router -p Client -V 3.8

Feliz.Router versions

At the time of writing, the current version of the SAFE template (4.2.0) does not work well with the latest version of Feliz.Router (4.0). To work around this, we install Feliz.Router 3.8, the latest version that works with SAFE template version 4.2.0.

If you are working with a newer version of the SAFE template, it might be worth trying to install the newest version of Feliz.Router. To see the installed version of the SAFE template, run in the command line:

dotnet new --list

To include the router in the Client, open Feliz.Router at the top of Index.fs

open Feliz.Router

2. Creating a module for the Todo list

Move the following functions and types to a new TodoList Module in a file TodoList.fs:

  • Model
  • Msg
  • todosApi
  • init
  • update
  • containerBox; rename this to view

also open Shared, Fable.Remoting.Client, Elmish Feliz and Feliz.Bulma

module TodoList

open Shared
open Fable.Remoting.Client
open Elmish
open Feliz
open Feliz.Bulma

type Model = { Todos: Todo list; Input: string }

type Msg =
    | GotTodos of Todo list
    | SetInput of string
    | AddTodo
    | AddedTodo of Todo

let todosApi =
    Remoting.createApi ()
    |> Remoting.withRouteBuilder Route.builder
    |> Remoting.buildProxy<ITodosApi>

let init () : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
    let model = { Todos = []; Input = "" }
    let cmd = Cmd.OfAsync.perform todosApi.getTodos () GotTodos

    model, cmd

let update (msg: Msg) (model: Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
    match msg with
    | GotTodos todos -> { model with Todos = todos }, Cmd.none
    | SetInput value -> { model with Input = value }, Cmd.none
    | AddTodo ->
        let todo = Todo.create model.Input

        let cmd = Cmd.OfAsync.perform todosApi.addTodo todo AddedTodo

        { model with Input = "" }, cmd
    | AddedTodo todo -> { model with Todos = model.Todos @ [ todo ] }, Cmd.none

let view (model: Model) (dispatch: Msg -> unit) = [
        Bulma.content [
            Html.ol [
                for todo in model.Todos do
           [ prop.text todo.Description ]
        Bulma.field.div [
            prop.children [
                Bulma.control.p [
                    prop.children [
                        Bulma.input.text [
                            prop.value model.Input
                            prop.placeholder "What needs to be done?"
                            prop.onChange (fun x -> SetInput x |> dispatch)
                Bulma.control.p [
                    Bulma.button.a [
                        prop.disabled (Todo.isValid model.Input |> not)
                        prop.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch AddTodo)
                        prop.text "Add"

3. Adding a new Model to the Index page

Create a new Model in the Index module, to keep track of the open page

type Page =
    | TodoList of TodoList.Model
    | NotFound 

type Model = { CurrentPage: Page }

4. Updating the TodoList model

Add a Msg type with a case of TodoList.Msg

type Msg =
    | TodoListMsg of TodoList.Msg

Create an update function (we moved the original one to TodoList). Handle the TodoListMsg by updating the TodoList Model. Wrap the command returned by the update of the todo list in a TodoListMsg before returning it. We expand this function later with other cases that deal with navigation.

let update (message: Msg) (model: Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
    match model.CurrentPage, message with
    | TodoList todoList, TodoListMsg todoListMessage ->
        let newTodoListModel, newCommand = TodoList.update todoListMessage todoList
        let model = { model with CurrentPage = TodoList newTodoListModel }

        model, newCommand |> TodoListMsg

5. Initializing from URL

Create a function initFromUrl; initialize the TodoList app when given the URL of the todo list app. Also return the command that TodoList's init may return, wrapped in a TodoListMsg

let initFromUrl url =
    match url with
    | [ "todo" ] ->
        let todoListModel, todoListMsg = TodoList.init ()
        let model = { CurrentPage = TodoList todoListModel }

        model, todoListMsg |> TodoListMsg

Add a wildcard, so any URLs that are not registered display the "not found" page

let initFromUrl url =
    match url with
    | _ -> { CurrentPage = NotFound }, Cmd.none
 let initFromUrl url =
     match url with
+    | _ -> { CurrentPage = NotFound }, Cmd.none

6. Elmish initialization

Add an init function to Index; return the current page based on Router.currentUrl

let init () : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
    Router.currentUrl ()
    |> initFromUrl

7. Handling URL Changes

Add an UrlChanged case of string list to the Msg type

type Msg =
    | UrlChanged of string list
 type Msg =
+    | UrlChanged of string list

Handle the case in the update function by calling initFromUrl

let update (message: Msg) (model: Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
    match model.CurrentPage, message with
    | _, UrlChanged url -> initFromUrl url
 let update (message: Msg) (model: Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
+    match model.CurrentPage, message with
+    | _, UrlChanged url -> initFromUrl url

8. Catching all cases in the update function

Complete the pattern match in the update function, adding a case with a wildcard for both message and model. Return the model, and no command

let update (message: Msg) (model: Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
    | _, _ -> model, Cmd.none
 let update (message: Msg) (model: Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
+    | _, _ -> model, Cmd.none

9. Rendering pages

Add a function containerBox to the Index module. If the CurrentPage is of TodoList, render the todo list using TodoList.view; in order to dispatch a TodoList.Msg, it needs to be wrapped in a TodoListMsg.

For the NotFound page, return a "Page not found" box

let containerBox model dispatch =
    match model.CurrentPage with
    | TodoList todoModel -> TodoList.view todoModel (TodoListMsg >> dispatch)
    | NotFound -> "Page not found"

10. Adding the React router to the view

Wrap the content of the view function in a router.children property of a React.router. Also add an onUrlChanged property, that dispatches the 'UrlChanged' message.

let view (model: Model) (dispatch: Msg -> unit) =
    React.router [
        router.onUrlChanged (UrlChanged >> dispatch)
        router.children [
            Bulma.hero [
 let view (model: Model) (dispatch: Msg -> unit) =
+    React.router [
+        router.onUrlChanged (UrlChanged >> dispatch)
+        router.children [
             Bulma.hero [
+        ]
+    ]

11. Running the app

The routing should work now. Try navigating to localhost:8080; you should see a page with "Page not Found". If you go to localhost:8080/#/todo, you should see the todo app.

# sign

You might be surprised to see the hash sign as part of the URL. It enables React to react to URL changes without a full page refresh. There are ways to omit this, but getting this to work properly is outside of the scope of this recipe.