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Serve a file from the back-end

In SAFE apps, you can send a file from the server to the client as well as you can send any other type of data. However, there are a few details that make this case unique that varies on whether you use the standard or the minimal template.

I am using the minimal template

1. Add the route

To begin, find the Route module in Shared.fs and create the following route inside it.

let file = "api/file"

2. HTTP Handler

Find the webApp in Server.fs. Inside its router expression, add the following get expression.

open FSharp.Control.Tasks.V2

let webApp =
    router {
        //...other handlers
        get Route.file (fun next ctx ->
            task {
                let byteArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("~/files/file.xlsx")
                ctx.SetContentType "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"
                ctx.SetHttpHeader "Content-Disposition" "attachment;"
                return! ctx.WriteBytesAsync (byteArray)

What we're doing here is to read a file from the local drive, but where the file is retrieved from is irrelevant. Then, using ctx, which is of type HttpContext, we let the browser know about the type of data this handler is returning. The last line (again, using ctx) writes a byte array to the body of the HTTP response as well as handling some details that goes alongside this process.

3. The download function

Although not perfect, the best solution for handling the file download is creating an invisible download link, clicking it, and then removing it completely. The following block of code is all we need for this. Add it to the Index.fs file, somewhere above the view function.

open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Shared

let downloadFile () =
    let anchor = Browser.Dom.document.createElement "a"
    anchor?style <- "display: none"
    anchor?href <- Route.file
    anchor?download <- "MyFile.xlsx"

You could also pass in the name of the file or the route to be hit as a parameter.

Now, you can call the downloadFile function to initiate the file download.

I am using the standard template

1. Define the route

Since the standard template uses Fable.Remoting, we need to edit our API definition first. Find your API type definition in Shared.fs. It's usually the last block of code. The one you see here is named IFileAPI, but the one you see in Shared.fs will be named differently. Edit this definition to have the download member you see below.

type IFileAPI =
    { //...other routes 
      download : unit -> Async<byte[]> }

2. Add the route

Open the Server.fs file and find the API that implements the definition we've just edited. It should now have an error since we're not matching the definition at the moment. Add the following route to it

let download () = async {
    let byteArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("/fileFolder/file.xlsx")
    return byteArray

Make sure to replace "/fileFolder/file.xlsx" with the path to your file

3. The download function

Paste the following code into Index.fs, somewhere above the view function.

let downloadFile () =
    async {
        let! downloadedFile = ()

The SaveFileAs funcion detects the mime-type/content-type automatically based on the file extension of the file input

4. Using the download funciton

Since the downloadFile function is asynchronous, we can't just call it anywhere in our view. The way we're going to deal with this is to create a Msg case and handle it in our update funciton.

a. Add a couple of new cases to the Msg type
type Msg =
    //...other cases
    | DownloadFile
    | FileDownloaded of unit
b. Handle these cases in the update function
let update (msg: Msg) (model: Model): Model * Cmd<Msg> =
        match msg with
    //...other cases
    | DownloadFile -> model, Cmd.OfAsync.perform downloadFile () FileDownloaded
    | FileDownloaded () -> model, Cmd.none // You can do something else here
c. Dispatch this message using a UI element
Html.button [
    prop.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch DownloadFile)
    prop.text "Click to download" 

Having added this last snippet of code into the view function, you will be able to download the file by clicking the button that will now be displayed in your UI. For more information visit the Fable.Remoting documentation