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How Do I Add Support for Fable Remoting?

Fable Remoting is a type-safe RPC communication layer for SAFE apps. It uses HTTP behind the scenes, but allows you to program against protocols that exist across the application without needing to think about the HTTP plumbing, and is a great fit for the majority of SAFE applications.

Note that the standard template uses Fable Remoting. This recipe only applies to the minimal template.

1. Install NuGet Packages

Add Fable.Remoting.Giraffe to the Server and Fable.Remoting.Client to the Client.

See How Do I Add a NuGet Package to the Server and How Do I Add a NuGet Package to the Client.

2. Create the API protocol

You now need to create the protocol, or contract, of the API we’ll be creating. Insert the following below the Route module in Shared.fs:

type IMyApi =
    { hello : unit -> Async<string> }

3. Create the routing function

We need to provide a basic routing function in order to ensure client and server communicate on the same endpoint. Find the Route module in src/Shared/Shared.fs and replace it with the following:

module Route =
    let builder typeName methodName =
        sprintf "/api/%s/%s" typeName methodName

4. Create the protocol implementation

We now need to provide an implementation of the protocol on the server. Open src/Server/Server.fs and insert the following right after the open statements:

let myApi =
    { hello = fun () -> async { return "Hello from SAFE!" } }

5. Hook into ASP.NET

We now need to "adapt" Fable Remoting into the ASP.NET pipeline by converting it into a Giraffe HTTP Handler. Don't worry - this is not hard. Find webApp in Server.fs and replace it with the following:

open Fable.Remoting.Server
open Fable.Remoting.Giraffe

let webApp =
    |> Remoting.withRouteBuilder Route.builder // use the routing function from step 3
    |> Remoting.fromValue myApi // use the myApi implementation from step 4
    |> Remoting.buildHttpHandler // adapt it to Giraffe's HTTP Handler

6. Create the Client proxy

We now need a corresponding client proxy in order to be able to connect to the server. Open src/Client/Client.fs and insert the following right after the Msg type:

open Fable.Remoting.Client

let myApi =
    |> Remoting.withRouteBuilder Route.builder
    |> Remoting.buildProxy<IMyApi>

7. Make calls to the Server

Replace the following two lines in the init function in Client.fs:

let getHello() = Fetch.get<unit, string> Route.hello
let cmd = Cmd.OfPromise.perform getHello () GotHello

with this:

let cmd = Cmd.OfAsync.perform myApi.hello () GotHello


At this point, the app should work just as it did before. Now, expanding the API and adding a new endpoint is as easy as adding a new field to the API protocol we defined in Shared.fs, editing the myApi record in Server.fs with the implementation, and finally making calls from the proxy.