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How do I load data from server to client using MVU?

This recipe demonstrates the steps you need to take to store new data on the client using the MVU pattern, which is typically read from the Server. You will learn the steps required to modify the model, update and view functions to handle a button click which requests data from the server and handles the response.

In Shared

1. Create shared domain

Create a type in the Shared project which will act as the contract type between client and server. As SAFE compiles F# into JavaScript for you, you only need a single definition which will automatically be shared.

type Customer = { Name : string }

On the Client

1. Create message pairs

Modify the Msg type to have two new messages:

    type Msg =
        // other messages ...
        | LoadCustomer of customerId:int // Add this
        | CustomerLoaded of Customer // Add this

You will see that this symmetrical pattern is often followed in MVU:

  • A command to initiate a call to the server for some data (LoadCustomer)
  • An event with the result of calling the command (CustomerLoaded)

2. Update the Model

Update the Model to store the Customer once it is loaded:

type Model =
    { // ...
      TheCustomer : Customer option }

Make TheCustomer optional so that it can be initialised as None (see next step).

3. Update the Init function

Update the init function to provide default data

let model =
    { // ...
      TheCustomer = None }

4. Update the View

Update your view to initiate the LoadCustomer event. Here, we create a button that will start loading customer 42 on click:

let view model dispatch =
    Html.div [
        // ...
        Html.button [ 
            prop.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch (LoadCustomer 42))  
            prop.text "Load Customer"

5. Handle the Update

Modify the update function to handle the new messages:

let update msg model =
    match msg with
    // ....
    | LoadCustomer customerId ->
        // Implementation to connect to the server to be defined.
    | CustomerLoaded c ->
        { model with TheCustomer = Some c }, Cmd.none

The code to fire off the message to the server differs depending on the client / server communication you are using and normally whether you are reading or writing data. See here for more information.