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Use Dependency Injection

This recipe is not a detailed discussion of the pros and cons of Dependency Injection (DI) compared to other patterns. It simply illustrates how to use it within a SAFE Stack application!

  1. Create a class that you wish to inject with a dependency (in this example, we use the built-in IConfiguration type that is included in ASP .NET):

    open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
    type DatabaseRepository(config:IConfiguration) =
        member _.SaveDataToDb (text:string) =
            let connectionString = config["SqlConnectionString"]
            // Connect to SQL using the above connection string etc.
            Ok 1

    Instead of functions or modules, DI in .NET and F# only works with classes.

  2. Register your type with ASP .NET during startup within the application { } block.

    ++ open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
       application {
    ++     service_config (fun services -> services.AddSingleton<DatabaseRepository>())

    This section of the official ASP .NET Core article explain the distinction between different lifetime registrations, such as Singleton and Transient.

  3. Ensure that your Fable Remoting API can access the HttpContext type by using the fromContext builder function.

    --  |> Remoting.fromValue createFableRemotingApi
    ++  |> Remoting.fromContext createFableRemotingApi

  4. Within your Fable Remoting API, use the supplied context to retrieve your dependency:

    ++ open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
       let createFableRemotingApi
    ++     (context:HttpContext) =
    ++     let dbRepository = context.GetService<DatabaseRepository>()
           // ...
           // Return the constructed API record value...

    Giraffe provides the GetService<'T> extension to allow you to quickly retrieve a dependency from the HttpContext.

    This will instruct ASP .NET to get a handle to the DatabaseRepository object; ASP .NET will automatically supply the IConfiguration object to the constructor. Whether a new DatabaseRepository object is constructed on each call depends on the lifetime you have registered it with.

You can have your types depend on other types that you create, as long as they are registering into ASP .NET Core's DI container using methods such as AddSingleton etc.

Further Reading