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Sharing Overview

One of the most powerful features of SAFE is the ability to seamlessly share code across client and server.

Sharing Basics

The basics of code sharing across client and server include:

  • Sharing types. Useful for contracts between client and server, as well as to share a common domain.
  • Sharing behaviour. In other words, functions that perform e.g. shared validation or similar.

These two core areas are explained in more detail here.

Sending messages between client and server

In addition to types and messages, there are several technologies available in SAFE that allow you to send messages from client to server (and from server to client). Each has their own strengths and weaknesses:

Which technology should I use?

Fable Remoting provides an excellent way to quickly get up and running with the SAFE stack. You can rapidly create contracts and have guaranteed type-safety between both client and server. Consider using remoting for rapid prototyping, since JSON serialization and HTTP routing is handled by the library, you only think of your client-server code in terms of types and stateless functions. Fable remoting is our recommended option for SAFE Stack apps where you "own" the client and server. However, if you need full control over the HTTP channel for returning specific status codes, using custom HTTP verbs or working with headers, then remoting might not for be you.

The raw HTTP model provided by Saturn with router { } requires you to construct routes manually and does not guarantee that the client and endpoint have the same contract (you have to specify the same type on both sides yourself). However, using the raw HTTP model gives you total control over the routing and verbs used. If you have a public API that is exposed not just to your own application but to third-parties, or you need more fine grained control over your routes and data, you should use this approach.

Lastly, Elmish.Bridge provides an alternative way of modelling client/server communication. Unlike the other two mechanisms, Elmish Bridge provides the same Elmish model on the server as well as the client, as well as the ability to send notifications from the server back to connected clients via websockets. However, the Bridge model is inherently stateful, which means that a server restart could impact all connected clients.

Fable.Remoting Raw HTTP Elmish.Bridge
Client / Server support Very easy Easy Very Easy
State model Stateless Stateless Stateful
"Open" API? Yes, with limitations Yes No
HTTP Verbs? POST, GET Fully Configurable None
Push messages? No With Channels Yes
Pipeline Control? Limited Full Limited

Consider using a combination of multiple endpoints supporting combinations of the above to suit your needs!