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Add support for Fable.Forms

Install dependencies

First off, you need to create a SAFE app, install the relevant dependencies, and wire them up to be available for use in your F# Fable code.

  1. Create a new SAFE app and restore local tools:
    dotnet new SAFE
    dotnet tool restore
  2. Add bulma to your project: follow this recipe

  3. Install Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma using Paket:

    dotnet paket add Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma -p Client

  4. Install bulma and fable-form-simple-bulma npm packages:

    npm add fable-form-simple-bulma
    npm add bulma

Register styles

  1. Rename src/Client/Index.css to Index.scss

  2. Update the import in App.fs

    importSideEffects "./index.scss"
    - importSideEffects "./index.css"
    + importSideEffects "./index.scss"
  3. Import bulma and fable-form-simple in Index.scss

    @import "bulma/bulma.sass";
    @import "fable-form-simple-bulma/index.scss";
  4. Remove the Bulma stylesheet link from ./src/Client/index.html, as it is no longer needed:

        <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png"/>
    -   <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Replace the existing form with a Fable.Form

With the above preparation done, you can use Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma in your ./src/Client/Index.fs file.

  1. Open the newly added namespaces:

    open Fable.Form.Simple
    open Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma
  2. Create type Values to represent each input field on the form (a single textbox), and create a type Form which is an alias for Form.View.Model<Values>:

    type Values = { Todo: string }
    type Form = Form.View.Model<Values>
  3. In the Model type definition, replace Input: string with Form: Form

    type Model = { Todos: Todo list; Form: Form }
    -type Model = { Todos: Todo list; Input: string }
    +type Model = { Todos: Todo list; Form: Form }
  4. Update the init function to reflect the change in Model:

    let model = { Todos = []; Form = Form.View.idle { Todo = "" } }
    -let model = { Todos = []; Input = "" }
    +let model = { Todos = []; Form = Form.View.idle { Todo = "" } }
  5. Change Msg discriminated union - replace the SetInput case with FormChanged of Form, and add string data to the AddTodo case:

    type Msg =
        | GotTodos of Todo list
        | FormChanged of Form
        | AddTodo of string
        | AddedTodo of Todo
    type Msg =
        | GotTodos of Todo list
    -   | SetInput of string
    -   | AddTodo
    +   | FormChanged of Form
    +   | AddTodo of string
        | AddedTodo of Todo
  6. Modify the update function to handle the changed Msg cases:

    let update (msg: Msg) (model: Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
        match msg with
        | GotTodos todos -> { model with Todos = todos }, Cmd.none
        | FormChanged form -> { model with Form = form }, Cmd.none
        | AddTodo todo ->
            let todo = Todo.create todo
            let cmd = Cmd.OfAsync.perform todosApi.addTodo todo AddedTodo
            model, cmd
        | AddedTodo todo ->
            let newModel =
                { model with
                    Todos = model.Todos @ [ todo ]
                    Form =
                        { model.Form with
                            State = Form.View.Success "Todo added"
                            Values = { model.Form.Values with Todo = "" } } }
            newModel, Cmd.none
    let update (msg: Msg) (model: Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
        match msg with
        | GotTodos todos -> { model with Todos = todos }, Cmd.none
    -   | SetInput value -> { model with Input = value }, Cmd.none
    +   | FormChanged form -> { model with Form = form }, Cmd.none
    -   | AddTodo ->
    -       let todo = Todo.create model.Input
    -       let cmd = Cmd.OfAsync.perform todosApi.addTodo todo AddedTodo
    -       { model with Input = "" }, cmd
    +   | AddTodo todo ->
    +       let todo = Todo.create todo
    +       let cmd = Cmd.OfAsync.perform todosApi.addTodo todo AddedTodo
    +       model, cmd
    -   | AddedTodo todo -> { model with Todos = model.Todos @ [ todo ] }, Cmd.none
    +   | AddedTodo todo ->
    +       let newModel =
    +           { model with
    +               Todos = model.Todos @ [ todo ]
    +               Form =
    +                   { model.Form with
    +                       State = Form.View.Success "Todo added"
    +                       Values = { model.Form.Values with Todo = "" } } }
    +       newModel, Cmd.none
  7. Create form. This defines the logic of the form, and how it responds to interaction:

    let form : Form.Form<Values, Msg, _> =
        let todoField =
                    Parser = Ok
                    Value = fun values -> values.Todo
                    Update = fun newValue values -> { values with Todo = newValue }
                    Error = fun _ -> None
                    Attributes =
                            Label = "New todo"
                            Placeholder = "What needs to be done?"
                            HtmlAttributes = []
        Form.succeed AddTodo
        |> Form.append todoField
  8. In the function todoAction, remove the existing form view. Then replace it using Form.View.asHtml to render the view:

    let private todoAction model dispatch =
                Dispatch = dispatch
                OnChange = FormChanged
                Action = Action.SubmitOnly "Add"
                Validation = Validation.ValidateOnBlur
      let private todoAction model dispatch =
    -      Html.div [
    -      ...
    - ]
    +    Form.View.asHtml
    +       {
    +           Dispatch = dispatch
    +           OnChange = FormChanged
    +           Action = Action.SubmitOnly "Add"
    +           Validation = Validation.ValidateOnBlur
    +       }
    +       form
    +       model.Form

Adding new functionality

With the basic structure in place, it's easy to add functionality to the form. For example, the changes necessary to add a high priority checkbox are pretty small.