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How do I create multi-page applications with routing and the useElmish hook?

UseElmish is a powerful package that allows you to write standalone components using Elmish. A component built around the UseElmish hook has its own view, state and update function.

In this recipe we add routing to a safe app, and implement the todo list page using the UseElmish hook.

1. Installing dependencies

Install Feliz.Router in the Client project

dotnet paket add Feliz.Router -p Client

Install Feliz.UseElmish in the Client project

cd src/Client
dotnet femto install Feliz.UseElmish

Open the router in the client project

open Feliz.Router

2. Extracting the todo list module

Create a new Module TodoList in the client project. Move the following functions and types to the TodoList Module:

  • Model
  • Msg
  • todosApi
  • init
  • todoAction
  • todoList

Also open Shared, Fable.Remoting.Client, Elmish and Feliz.

module TodoList

open Shared
open Fable.Remoting.Client
open Elmish

open Feliz

type Model = { Todos: Todo list; Input: string }

type Msg =
    | GotTodos of Todo list
    | SetInput of string
    | AddTodo
    | AddedTodo of Todo

let todosApi =
    Remoting.createApi ()
    |> Remoting.withRouteBuilder Route.builder
    |> Remoting.buildProxy<ITodosApi>

let init () =
    let model = { Todos = []; Input = "" }
    let cmd = Cmd.OfAsync.perform todosApi.getTodos () GotTodos
    model, cmd

let update msg model =
    match msg with
    | GotTodos todos -> { model with Todos = todos }, Cmd.none
    | SetInput value -> { model with Input = value }, Cmd.none
    | AddTodo ->
        let todo = Todo.create model.Input

        let cmd = Cmd.OfAsync.perform todosApi.addTodo todo AddedTodo

        { model with Input = "" }, cmd
    | AddedTodo todo ->
            model with
                Todos = model.Todos @ [ todo ]

let private todoAction model dispatch =
    Html.div [
        prop.className "flex flex-col sm:flex-row mt-4 gap-4"
        prop.children [
            Html.input [
                    "shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 outline-none focus:ring-2 ring-teal-300 text-grey-darker"
                prop.value model.Input
                prop.placeholder "What needs to be done?"
                prop.autoFocus true
                prop.onChange (SetInput >> dispatch)
                prop.onKeyPress (fun ev ->
                    if ev.key = "Enter" then
                        dispatch AddTodo)
            Html.button [
                    "flex-no-shrink p-2 px-12 rounded bg-teal-600 outline-none focus:ring-2 ring-teal-300 font-bold text-white hover:bg-teal disabled:opacity-30 disabled:cursor-not-allowed"
                prop.disabled (Todo.isValid model.Input |> not)
                prop.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch AddTodo)
                prop.text "Add"

let todoList model dispatch =
    Html.div [
        prop.className "bg-white/80 rounded-md shadow-md p-4 w-5/6 lg:w-3/4 lg:max-w-2xl"
        prop.children [
            Html.ol [
                prop.className "list-decimal ml-6"
                prop.children [
                    for todo in model.Todos do
               [ prop.className "my-1"; prop.text todo.Description ]

            todoAction model dispatch

4. Add the UseElmish hook to the TodoList view function

open Feliz.UseElmish in the TodoList Module

open Feliz.UseElmish

In the todoList module, rename the function todoList to view, and remove the private access modifier. On the first line, call React.useElmish, passing it the init and update functions. Bind the output to model and dispatch

let view model dispatch =
    let model, dispatch = React.useElmish (init, update, [||])
-let containerBox model dispatch =
+let view model dispatch =
+    let model, dispatch = React.useElmish (init, update, [||])

Replace the arguments of the function with unit, and add the ReactComponent attribute to it

let view () =
+ [<ReactComponent>]
- let view model dispatch =
+ let view () =

5. Add a new model to the Index module

In the Index module, create a model that holds the current page

type Page =
    | TodoList
    | NotFound

type Model =
    { CurrentPage: Page }

6. Initializing the application

Create a function that initializes the app based on an url

let initFromUrl url =
    match url with
    | [ "todo" ] ->
        let model = { CurrentPage = TodoList }

        model, Cmd.none
    | _ ->
        let model = { CurrentPage = NotFound }

        model, Cmd.none

Create a new init function, that fetches the current url, and calls initFromUrl.

let init () = Router.currentUrl () |> initFromUrl

7. Updating the Page

Add a Msg type, with an PageChanged case

type Msg = 
    | PageChanged of string list
Add an update function, that reinitializes the app based on an URL

let update msg model =
    match msg with
    | PageChanged url -> initFromUrl url

8. Displaying pages

Add a pageContent function to the Index module, that returns the appropriate page content

let pageContent model =
    match model.CurrentPage with
    | NotFound -> Html.text "Page not found"
    | TodoList -> TodoList.view ()

In the view function, replace the call to todoList with a call to pageContent

let view model dispatch =
    Html.section [
        pageContent model
 let view model dispatch =
     Html.section [
 -   todoList view model
 +   pageContent model

9. Add the router to the view

Wrap the content of the view method in a React.Router element's router.children property, and add a router.onUrlChanged property to dispatch the urlChanged message

let view model dispatch =
    React.router [
        router.onUrlChanged ( PageChanged>>dispatch )
        router.children [
            Html.section [
let view (model: Model) (dispatch: Msg -> unit) =
+   React.router [
+       router.onUrlChanged ( PageChanged>>dispatch )
+       router.children [
            Html.section [
+       ]
+   ]

10. Try it out

The routing should work now. Try navigating to localhost:8080; you should see a page with "Page not Found". If you go to localhost:8080/#/todo, you should see the todo app.

# sign

You might be surprised to see the hash sign as part of the URL. It enables React to react to URL changes without a full page refresh. There are ways to omit this, but getting this to work properly is outside of the scope of this recipe.