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How do I remove the use of FAKE?

FAKE is a tool for build automation. The standard SAFE template comes with a ready-made build project at the root of the solution that provides support for many common SAFE tasks.

If you would prefer not to use FAKE, you can of course simply ignore it, but this recipes shows how to completely remove it from your repository. It is important to note that having removed FAKE, you will have to follow a more manual approach to each of these processes. This recipe will only include instructions on how to run the application after removing FAKE.

Note that the minimal template does not use FAKE by default, and this recipe only applies to the standard template.

1. Build project

Delete Build.fs, Build.fsproj, Helpers.fs, paket.references at the root of the solution.

2. Dependencies

Remove the following dependencies

dotnet paket remove Fake.Core.Target
dotnet paket remove Fake.IO.FileSystem
dotnet paket remove Farmer

Running the App

Now that you have removed the FAKE application dependencies, you will have to separately run the server and the client.

1. Start the Server

Navigate to src/Server inside a terminal and execute dotnet run.

2. Start the Client

Navigate to src/Client inside a terminal and execute the following:

dotnet tool restore
npm install
dotnet fable watch -o output -s --run npx vite

The app will now be running at http://localhost:8080/. Navigate to this address in a browser to see your app running.

Bundling the App

See this guide to learn how to package a SAFE application for deployment to e.g. Azure.