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How do I upload a file from the client?

Fable makes it quick and easy to upload files from the client. Both the standard and the minimal template comes with Fable support by default.

1. Create a File

Create a file in the client project named FileUpload.fs somewhere before the Index.fs file and insert the following:

module FileUpload

open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props
open Fable.FontAwesome
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop

2. File Event Handler

Then, add the following. The reader.onload block will be executed once we select and confirm a file to be uploaded. Read the FileReader docs to find out more.

let handleFileEvent onLoad (fileEvent:Browser.Types.Event) =
    let files:Browser.Types.FileList = !!
    if files.length > 0 then
        let reader = Browser.Dom.FileReader.Create()
        reader.onload <- (fun _ -> reader.result |> unbox |> onLoad)

3. Create the UI Element

This step varies depending on whether you're using the standard or the minimal template. Apply only the instructions under the appropriate heading.

I'm using the standard template

Insert the following block of code at the end of FileUpload.fs. This function will create a UI element to be used to upload files. Click here to find out more about Bulma's file input component.

open Feliz.Bulma

let createFileUpload onLoad =
    Bulma.file [
        Bulma.fileLabel.label [
            Bulma.fileInput [
                prop.onChange (handleFileEvent onLoad)
            Bulma.fileCta [
                Bulma.fileLabel.label "Choose a file..."

I'm using the minimal template

Insert the following block of code at the end of FileUpload.fs. This function will create a UI element to be used to upload files.

let createFileUpload onLoad =
    let input = document.createElement "INPUT"
    input.onchange <- (handleFileEvent onLoad)

4. Use the UI Element

Having followed all these steps, you can now use the createFileUpload function in Index.fs to create the UI element for uploading files. One thing to note is that HandleFile is a case of the discriminated union type Msg that's in Index.fs. You can use this message case to send the file from the client to the server.

FileUpload.createFileUpload (HandleFile >> dispatch)