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How do I use stylesheets with SAFE?

The default way to add extra styles is to add them using Tailwind classes. If you wish to use your own CSS stylesheets with SAFE apps, Vite can bundle them up for you.

There are two different approaches to adding your own CSS file, depending on what files you have available.

Method A: Import into index.css

The default template includes a stylesheet at src/Client/index.css which contains references to Tailwind. The cleanest way to add your own stylesheet is to create a new file e.g. src/Client/custom-style.css and then reference it from index.css.

  1. Create your custom css file in src/Client, e.g. custom-style.css
  2. Import it into index.css
    +@import "./custom-style.css";
     @tailwind base;
     @tailwind components;
     @tailwind utilities;

Method B: Import without index.css

In order for Vite to know that there are styles to be bundled, you must import them into your app. By default this is already configured for index.css but if you don't have it set up, not to worry! Follow these steps:

  1. Create your custom css file in src/Client, e.g. custom-style.css
  2. Direct Fable to emit an import for your style file.
    • Add the following to App.fs:
      open Fable.Core.JsInterop
      importSideEffects "./custom-style.css"

There you have it!

You can now style your app by writing to the custom-style.css file.